4 Usage

Sample code demonstrating the use of pypahdb is shown below, which has been included in the pypahdb package as examples/example_tbl.py. The example makes use of the bundled sample_data_NGC7023.tbl spectrum.

import importlib_resources

from pypahdb.decomposer import Decomposer
from pypahdb.observation import Observation

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Spitzer sample data (IPAC table).
    file_path = importlib_resources.files("pypahdb")
    data_file = file_path / "resources/sample_data_NGC7023.tbl"

    # Construct an Observation object.
    obs = Observation(data_file)

    # Pass the Observation's spectrum to Decomposer, which performs the fit.
    pahdb_fit = Decomposer(obs.spectrum)

    # Save the fit to disk, both as a PDF and FITS file.
    pahdb_fit.save_pdf("NGC7023_pypahdb_tbl_example.pdf", domaps=False)
    pahdb_fit.save_fits("NGC7023_pypahdb_tbl_example.fits", header=obs.header)

4.1 Details

Let’s briefly explore what the code above is doing.

First the Decomposer and Observation classes are imported from pypahdb. The``importlib_resources`` package is used to locate and load the provided sample data.

import importlib_resources

from pypahdb.decomposer import Decomposer
from pypahdb.observation import Observation

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Spitzer sample data (IPAC table).
    file_path = importlib_resources.files("pypahdb")
    data_file = file_path / "resources/sample_data_NGC7023.tbl"

The included example IPAC table, sample_data_NGC7023.tbl, contains the astronomical PAH spectrum shown below:


The file is read with the Observation class by instantiating it and passing the path as its argument:

# Construct an Observation object.
obs = Observation(data_file)

Note that that the Observation class is able to handle a variety of file-formats, not just IPAC tables.

The decomposition is performed by creating a Decomposer-instance and passing it obs.spectrum as its only positional argument. .. code-block:: python

# Pass the Observation’s spectrum to Decomposer, which performs the fit. pahdb_fit = Decomposer(obs.spectrum)

The Decomposer class has two methods for producing output. On for saving to PDF; save_pdf, the other for saving to FITS, save_fits. Both methods require the filename to write to as their first positional argument.

# Save the fit to disk, both as a PDF and FITS file.
pahdb_fit.save_pdf('NGC7023_pypahdb_tbl_example.pdf', domaps=False)
pahdb_fit.save_fits('NGC7023_pypahdb_tbl_example.fits', header=obs.header)

Note that header=obs.header is explicitely passed to save_fits, but can be set arbitrary, i.e., it is possible to provide a customized the header.