3.7 Working Outside the AmesPAHdbIDLSuite Object Classes¶
The AmesPAHdbPythonSuite object classes all provide the ‘get’-method that allows extraction of the object’s internal data into a dictionary.
transitions_dict = transitions.get()
This allows, for example, more control over the presentation of the data.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(transitions_dict['data']['frequency'], transitions_dict['data']['intensity'])
plt.ylabel('integrated intensity [cm!U-2!N mol!U-1!N]')
Subsequently this dictionary can be manipulated and even be set to the object, which will try altering its internal state to reflect that of the manipulated data.
In addition, the ‘set’-method accepts keywords to alter its internal state.
Lastly, it is also possible to create new intances initialized with an appropriate data representation or through keywords.
transitions = transitions(transitions_dict)
transitions = trantions(type=transitions_dict['type'], \
version=transitions_dict['version'], \
pahdb=pahdb, \
data=transitions_dict['data'], \
uids=transitions_dict['uids'], \
model=transitions_dict['model'], \