3.9 Spectroscopic Database Fitting

3.9.1 Dealing with astronomical observations

Astronomical observations can be handled by the ‘observation’-instance, which is able to read text, ISO-SWS, and Spitzer-IRS-files (work-in-progress).

observation = observation('myObservationFile')

NB Text-files can have up to five columns, organized as follows:

Column 1: abscissa

Column 2: ordinate

Column 3: continuum

Column 4: uncertainty in ordinate

Column 5: uncertainty in abscissa

observation = observation(x=frequency, \
                          y=intensity, \

The ‘observation’-instance exposes the observation and provides the ‘plot’, and ‘write’-methods for output. The ‘plot’- method will display the observation and accepts the ‘oplot’, and ‘color’-keywords to control overplotting and color, respectively.


The ‘Write’-method will write the observation to an IPAC table (.tbl) file. Optionally, a filename can be provided.


The ‘observations’-instance’s ‘rebin’, ‘abscissaunitsto’, and ‘setgridrange’-methods can rebin the observation onto a specified grid or, with the ‘uniform’-keyword set, onto a uniform created grid with specified sampling; convert the units associated with the abscissa; and change the grid range, respectively.


observation.rebin(5.0, uniform=True)


observation.setgridrange(500, 2000)

3.9.2 Database fitting

Spectroscopic database fitting is handled by the ‘spectrum’-instance and it either accepts an ‘observation’-instance, or simply an array of ordinates with an optional array of ordinate uncertainties. Whether ordinate uncertainties are provided or not, the ‘spectrum’- instance’s ‘fit’-method will perform a non-negative least-chi-square or non-negative least-square fit and return an ‘fit’-instance.

# Using an 'observation'-instance
fit = spectrum.fit(observation)

# Using an array of ordinate values
fit = spectrum.fit(intensity)

# Using an array of ordinate uncertainty values
fit = spectrum.fit(intensity, uncertainty)

The ‘fit’-instance exposes the fit and provides the ‘plot’, and ‘Write’-methods for output. The ‘plot’-method accepts the ‘residual’, ‘size’, ‘charge’, and ‘composition’-keywords, which selectively display the residual of the fit, or either the size, charge and compositional breakdown. Without these keywords the fit itself is displayed.


Optionally, the ‘wavelength’, ‘stick’, ‘oplot’, ‘legend’, and ‘color’-keywords can be given to the ‘plot’-method to control the abscissa, stick representation, overplotting, legend and color, respectively.

fit.plot(size=True, wavelength=True)

The ‘fit’-instance’s ‘Write’-method will write the fit to an IPAC table (.tbl) file. Optionally, a filename can be provided.


The ‘fit’-instance’s ‘getclasses’, and ‘getbreakdown’-methods return the fit broken down by charge, size, and composition, where the first provides the spectrum for each component and the latter its relative contribution.

classes = fit.getclasses()

breakdown = fit.getbreakdown()

Optionally the ‘small’ keyword can be set, which controls the small cutoff size in number of carbon atoms.

classes = fit.getclasses(small=20)

The ‘getbreakdown’-method also accepts the ‘flux’-keyword, which controls whether the relative breakdown should be reported based on fitted weight or integrated flux.

breakdown = fit.getbreakdown(flux=True)

3.9.3 Monte Carlo

Neither non-negative least-chi-square and non-negative least-square fits provide uncertainties on their own. However, in combination with a Monte Carlo approach that varies the observed spectrum within its uncertainties they can.

Monte Carlo fitting is handled by the ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_Spectrum’-object and it either accepts an ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_Observation’-object, or a simple array of ordinates with a required array of ordinate uncertainties, and the number of samples. The ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_Spectrum’-object’s ‘mcfit’-method will perform a non-negative least-chi-square fit and return an ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_MCFitted_Spectrum’-object.

mcfit = spectrum.mcfit(observation, samples=1024)

The ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_MCFitted_Spectrum’-object offers mostly the same set of methods as the regular ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_Fitted_Spectrum’-object does, but transparently handles the necessary Monte Carlo statistics. For example, the ‘AmesPAHdbPythonSuite_MCFitted_Spectrum’-object’s ‘getclasses’ returns spectra of the fit broken down by charge, size, and composition. The returned statistics are four elements containing the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis.

mcclasses = mcfit.getclasses()