Source code for pypahdb.decomposer_base

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Using a precomputed matrix of theoretically calculated
PAH emission spectra, an input spectrum is fitted and decomposed into
contributing PAH subclasses using a non-negative least-squares (NNLS)

This file is part of pypahdb - see the module docs for more

import multiprocessing
import os
import pickle
from functools import partial
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

import importlib_resources
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from astropy import units as u
from scipy import optimize
from specutils import Spectrum1D


def _decomposer_anion(w, m=None, p=None):
    """Do the anion decomposition in multiprocessing."""
    return * (p < 0).astype(float))

def _decomposer_neutral(w, m=None, p=None):
    """Do the neutral decomposition in multiprocessing."""
    return * (p == 0).astype(float))

def _decomposer_cation(w, m=None, p=None):
    """Do the cation decomposition in multiprocessing."""
    return * (p > 0).astype(float))

def _decomposer_large(w, m=None, p=None):
    """Do the actual large decomposition in multiprocessing."""
    return * (p > MEDIUM_SIZE).astype(float))

def _decomposer_medium(w, m=None, p=None):
    """Do the actual large decomposition in multiprocessing."""
    return * ((p > SMALL_SIZE) & (p <= MEDIUM_SIZE)).astype(float))

def _decomposer_small(w, m=None, p=None):
    """Do the small decomposition in multiprocessing."""
    return * (p <= 50).astype(float))

def _decomposer_fit(w, m=None):
    """Do the matrix manipulation to obtain the total fit in

def _decomposer_interp(fp, x=None, xp=None):
    """Do the grid interpolation in multiprocessing."""
    return np.interp(x, xp, fp)

def _decomposer_nnls(y, m=None):
    """Do the NNLS in multiprocessing."""
    return optimize.nnls(m, y)

[docs] class DecomposerBase(object): """Fit and decompose spectrum. Attributes: spectrum: A spectrum to fit and decompose. """ def __init__(self, spectrum): """Construct a decomposer object. Args: spectrum (specutil.Spectrum1D): The spectrum to fit and decompose. """ self._mask = None self._yfit = None self._yerror = None self._charge_fractions = None self._size_fractions = None self._charge = None self._size = None self._nc = None # Check if spectrum is a Spectrum1D. if not isinstance(spectrum, Spectrum1D): print("spectrum is not a specutils.Spectrum1D") return None self.spectrum = spectrum # Convert units of spectrum to wavenumber and flux (density). abscissa = 1.0 /, equivalencies=u.spectral() ) try: ordinate = u.Unit("MJy/sr"), equivalencies=u.spectral() ).T except u.UnitConversionError: ordinate ="Jy"), equivalencies=u.spectral()).T pass # For clarity, define a few quantities. n_elements_yz = ordinate.shape[1] * ordinate.shape[2] pool_shape = np.reshape(ordinate, (ordinate.shape[0], n_elements_yz)) # Avoid fitting -zero- spectra. self._mask = np.where(np.sum(pool_shape, axis=0) > 0.0)[0] if self._mask.size == 0: print("spectral data is all zeros.") return None # Download the precomputed data if not present remote_pkl = "" if os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true": remote_pkl += "?github_actions=true" local_pkl = ( importlib_resources.files("pypahdb") / "resources/precomputed.pkl" ) if not os.path.isfile(local_pkl): def hook(t): last_b = [0] def inner(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize) last_b[0] = b return inner print("downloading pre-computed matrix") with tqdm( unit="B", unit_scale=True, leave=True, miniters=1, ) as t: urlretrieve( remote_pkl, filename=local_pkl, reporthook=hook(t), data=None ) with open(local_pkl, "rb") as f: self._precomputed = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1") # Linearly interpolate the precomputed spectra onto the # frequency grid of the input spectrum. decomposer_interp = partial( _decomposer_interp, x=abscissa, xp=self._precomputed["abscissa"] / ) # Create multiprocessing pool. if == "posix": multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork", force=True) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) self._matrix =, self._precomputed["matrix"].T) pool.close() pool.join() self._matrix = np.array(self._matrix).T # Copy and normalize the matrix. m = self._matrix.copy() scl = m.max() m /= scl # Setup the fitter. decomposer_nnls = partial(_decomposer_nnls, m=m) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) # Perform the fit. weights, _ = list(zip(*, pool_shape[:, self._mask].T))) pool.close() pool.join() # Rescale weights. weights = np.array(weights) weights /= scl # Set weights. self._weights = np.zeros((pool_shape.shape[1], self._matrix.shape[1])) self._weights[self._mask] = np.array(weights) # Reshape results. new_shape = ordinate.shape[1:] + (self._matrix.shape[1],) self._weights = np.transpose(np.reshape(self._weights, new_shape), (2, 0, 1)) def _fit(self): """Return the fit. Returns: self._yfit (quantity.Quantity): The fit. """ # Lazy Instantiation. if self._yfit is None: decomposer_fit = partial(_decomposer_fit, m=self._matrix) # Create multiprocessing pool. n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_cpus - 1) # Convenience defintions. ordinate = self.spectrum.flux.T wt_elements_yz = self._weights.shape[1] * self._weights.shape[2] wt_shape = np.reshape( self._weights, (self._weights.shape[0], wt_elements_yz) ) # Perform the fit. self._yfit = np.zeros((wt_elements_yz, ordinate.shape[0])) self._yfit[self._mask, :] = np.array(, wt_shape[:, self._mask].T) ) pool.close() pool.join() # Reshape results. new_shape = ordinate.shape[1:] + (ordinate.shape[0],) self._yfit = np.transpose(np.reshape(self._yfit, new_shape), (2, 0, 1)) # Set units. self._yfit *= self.spectrum.flux.unit return self._yfit def _error(self): """Return the error as ∫|residual|dν / ∫observation dν. Returns: self._yerror (quantity.Quantity): The fit error. """ # Lazy Instantiation. if self._yerror is None: # Convert units of spectral_axis to wavenumber. abscissa = 1.0 /, equivalencies=u.spectral() ) # Convenience defintion. ordinate = self.spectrum.flux.T # Use Trapezium rule to integrate the absolute of the residual # and the observations. abs_residual = np.trapz(np.abs( - ordinate), x=abscissa, axis=0) total = np.trapz(ordinate, x=abscissa, axis=0) # Initialize result to NaN. self._yerror = np.empty(ordinate.shape[1:]) self._yerror.fill(np.nan) # Avoid division by -zero-. nonzero = np.nonzero(total) # Calculate the error. self._yerror[nonzero] = abs_residual[nonzero] / total[nonzero] # Set units. self._yerror *= u.dimensionless_unscaled return self._yerror def _get_charge_fractions(self): """Return the charge fraction. Returns: self._charge_fraction (dict): Fraction of neutral, cation and anion PAHs from fit. """ # Lazy Instantiation. if self._charge_fractions is None: # Compute ionized fraction. charge_matrix = self._precomputed["properties"]["charge"] neutrals = (charge_matrix == 0).astype(float)[:, None, None] cations = (charge_matrix > 0).astype(float)[:, None, None] anions = (charge_matrix < 0).astype(float)[:, None, None] neutral_fraction = np.sum(self._weights * neutrals, axis=0) cation_fraction = np.sum(self._weights * cations, axis=0) anion_fraction = np.sum(self._weights * anions, axis=0) neutral_fraction *= u.dimensionless_unscaled cation_fraction *= u.dimensionless_unscaled anion_fraction *= u.dimensionless_unscaled charge_sum = neutral_fraction + cation_fraction + anion_fraction nonzero = np.nonzero(charge_sum) neutral_fraction[nonzero] /= charge_sum[nonzero] cation_fraction[nonzero] /= charge_sum[nonzero] anion_fraction[nonzero] /= charge_sum[nonzero] # Make dictionary of charge fractions. self._charge_fractions = { "neutral": neutral_fraction, "cation": cation_fraction, "anion": anion_fraction, } return self._charge_fractions def _get_average_nc(self): """Return the average number of carbon atoms. Returns: self._nc (quantity.Quantity): Average number of carbon atoms """ # Lazy Instantiation. if self._nc is None: size_array = self._precomputed["properties"]["size"] size = size_array.astype(float)[:, None, None] self._nc = np.sum(self._weights * size, axis=0) nc_sum = np.sum(self._weights, axis=0) nonzero = np.nonzero(nc_sum) self._nc[nonzero] / nc_sum[nonzero] self._nc *= u.dimensionless_unscaled return self._nc def _get_size_fractions(self): """Return the size fraction. Returns: self._size_fractions (dict): Size fractions from fit. """ # Lazy Instantiation. if self._size_fractions is None: # Compute large fraction. size_matrix = self._precomputed["properties"]["size"] large = (size_matrix > MEDIUM_SIZE).astype(float)[:, None, None] large_fraction = np.sum(self._weights * large, axis=0) large_fraction *= u.dimensionless_unscaled # Compute medium fraction between 50 and 70. medium = ((size_matrix > SMALL_SIZE) & (size_matrix <= MEDIUM_SIZE)).astype(float)[:, None, None] medium_fraction = np.sum(self._weights * medium, axis=0) medium_fraction *= u.dimensionless_unscaled # Compute small fraction between 20 and 50. small = (size_matrix <= SMALL_SIZE).astype(float)[:, None, None] small_fraction = (np.sum(self._weights * small, axis=0)) small_fraction *= u.dimensionless_unscaled size_sum = large_fraction + medium_fraction + small_fraction nonzero = np.nonzero(size_sum) # Update the size fractions. large_fraction[nonzero] /= size_sum[nonzero] medium_fraction[nonzero] /= size_sum[nonzero] small_fraction[nonzero] /= size_sum[nonzero] # Make dictionary of size fractions. self._size_fractions = { "large": large_fraction, "medium": medium_fraction, "small": small_fraction, } return self._size_fractions def _get_charge(self): """Return the spectral charge breakdown from fit. Returns: self._charge (dictionary): Dictionary with keys 'anion', 'neutral' and 'cation'. """ # TODO: Should self._charge be a Spectrum1D-object? # Lazy Instantiation. if self._charge is None: decomposer_anion = partial( _decomposer_anion, m=self._matrix, p=self._precomputed["properties"]["charge"], ) decomposer_neutral = partial( _decomposer_neutral, m=self._matrix, p=self._precomputed["properties"]["charge"], ) decomposer_cation = partial( _decomposer_cation, m=self._matrix, p=self._precomputed["properties"]["charge"], ) # Create multiprocessing pool. n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_cpus - 1) # Convenience definitions. wt_shape_yz = self._weights.shape[1] * self._weights.shape[2] new_dims = np.reshape(self._weights, (self._weights.shape[0], wt_shape_yz)) ordinate = self.spectrum.flux.T mappings = { "anion": decomposer_anion, "neutral": decomposer_neutral, "cation": decomposer_cation, } # Map the charge arrays. self._charge = { charge: np.zeros((wt_shape_yz, ordinate.shape[0])) for charge in mappings.keys() } for charge, func in mappings.items(): self._charge[charge][self._mask, :] = np.array(, new_dims[:, self._mask].T) ) pool.close() pool.join() # Reshape results and set units. interior = ordinate.shape[1:] + (ordinate.shape[0],) for charge, spectrum in self._charge.items(): self._charge[charge] = ( np.transpose(np.reshape(spectrum, interior), (2, 0, 1)) * self.spectrum.flux.unit ) return self._charge def _get_size(self): """Return the spectral size breakdown from fit. Returns: self._size (dictionary): Dictionary with keys 'large', 'medium', 'small'. """ # TODO: Should self._size be a Spectrum1D-object? # Lazy Instantiation. if self._size is None: decomposer_large = partial( _decomposer_large, m=self._matrix, p=self._precomputed["properties"]["size"], ) decomposer_medium = partial( _decomposer_medium, m=self._matrix, p=self._precomputed["properties"]["size"], ) decomposer_small = partial( _decomposer_small, m=self._matrix, p=self._precomputed["properties"]["size"], ) # Create multiprocessing pool. n_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_cpus - 1) # Convenience definitions. wt_shape_yz = self._weights.shape[1] * self._weights.shape[2] new_dims = np.reshape(self._weights, (self._weights.shape[0], wt_shape_yz)) ordinate = self.spectrum.flux.T mappings = { "small": decomposer_small, "medium": decomposer_medium, "large": decomposer_large, } # Map the size arrays. self._size = { size: np.zeros((wt_shape_yz, ordinate.shape[0])) for size in mappings.keys() } for size, func in mappings.items(): self._size[size][self._mask, :] = np.array(, new_dims[:, self._mask].T) ) pool.close() pool.join() # Reshape results and set units. interior = ordinate.shape[1:] + (ordinate.shape[0],) for size, spectrum in self._size.items(): self._size[size] = ( np.transpose(np.reshape(spectrum, interior), (2, 0, 1)) * self.spectrum.flux.unit ) return self._size # Make fit a property. fit = property(_fit) # Make error a property. error = property(_error) # Make charge fractions a property. charge_fractions = property(_get_charge_fractions) # Make size fractions a property. size_fractions = property(_get_size_fractions) # Make charge a property. charge = property(_get_charge) # Make size a property. size = property(_get_size) # Make nc a property. nc = property(_get_average_nc)