Source code for pypahdb.observation

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Manages reading an astronomical observation from file.

This file is part of pypahdb - see the module docs for more

import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import ascii, fits
from import VerifyWarning
from import IORegistryError
from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
from specutils import Spectrum1D

[docs] class Observation(object): """Creates an Observation object. Reads IPAC tables, Spitzer-IRS data cubes, and JWST spectra. Attributes: spectrum (specutils.Spectrum1D): contains loaded spectrum. """ def __init__(self, file_path): """Instantiate an Observation object. Args: file_path (str): String of file to load. """ self.file_path = file_path # TODO: implement try-except block for reading in pyPAHFit results try: # Suppress warning when Spectrum1D cannot load the file. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=VerifyWarning) self.spectrum = self.spectrum.meta['colnames'] = 3 * ["",] # Always work as if spectrum is a cube. if len(self.spectrum.flux.shape) == 1: self.spectrum = Spectrum1D( flux=np.reshape( self.spectrum.flux, ( 1, 1, ) + self.spectrum.flux.shape, ), spectral_axis=self.spectrum.spectral_axis, ) if "header" in self.spectrum.meta: self.header = self.spectrum.meta["header"] else: self.header = fits.header.Header() return None except FileNotFoundError as e: raise (e) except (OSError, IORegistryError): # Because Spectrum1D raises a generic OSError when the # file cannot be read, we have to catch OSError here and pass # so that we can try and read it directly as FITS or ASCII. pass try: with as hdu: for h in hdu: hdu_keys = list(h.header.keys()) # Use the WCS definitions for coordinate three # lookup table. if "PS3_0" in hdu_keys and "PS3_1" in hdu_keys: self.header = h.header # Create WCS object. # self.wcs = wcs.WCS(hdu[0].header, naxis=2) h0 = self.header["PS3_0"] h1 = self.header["PS3_1"] # Create Spectrum1D object. flux = * u.Unit(h.header["BUNIT"]) wave = hdu[h0].data[h1] * u.Unit(hdu[h0].columns[h1].unit) self.spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux, spectral_axis=wave) self.spectrum.meta['colnames'] = 3 * ["",] return None # Use the WCS definitions for coordinate three # linear. if "CDELT3" in hdu_keys: self.header = h.header # Create WCS object # self.wcs = wcs.WCS(hdu[0].header, naxis=2) # Create Spectrum1D object # u.Unit(self.header['BUNIT']) flux = * u.Unit("Jy") wave = ( h.header["CRVAL3"] + h.header["CDELT3"] * np.arange(0, h.header["NAXIS3"]) ) * u.Unit(h.header["CUNIT3"]) self.spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux, spectral_axis=wave) return None except OSError: # Because raises a generic OSError # when the file header is missing the END card (which # ASCII files do), we have to catch OSError here and pass # so that we can try and read it as ASCII. pass try: data = # Always work as if spectrum is a cube. flux = np.reshape( data[data.colnames[1]].quantity, ( 1, 1, ) + data[data.colnames[1]].quantity.shape, ) # Create Spectrum1D object. wave = data[data.colnames[0]].quantity unc = None if len(data.colnames) > 2: unc = StdDevUncertainty( np.reshape( data[data.colnames[2]].quantity, ( 1, 1, ) + (data[data.colnames[2]].quantity.shape), ) ) self.spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux, spectral_axis=wave, uncertainty=unc) self.spectrum.meta['colnames'] = data.colnames hdr = "" for card in data.meta["keywords"].keys(): value = data.meta["keywords"][card]["value"] hdr += "%-8s=%71s" % (card, value) self.header = fits.header.Header.fromstring(hdr) return None except Exception as e: print(e) # Like we, simply raise a generic OSError when # we fail to read the file. raise OSError(str(self.file_path) + ": Format not recognized")