Source code for amespahdbpythonsuite.fitted

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import builtins
import operator
import os
from typing import Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate  # type: ignore
from specutils import Spectrum1D  # type: ignore

from amespahdbpythonsuite.amespahdb import AmesPAHdb
from amespahdbpythonsuite.spectrum import Spectrum

message = AmesPAHdb.message

[docs] class Fitted(Spectrum): """ AmesPAHdbPythonSuite fitted class """ def __init__(self, d: Optional[dict] = None, **keywords) -> None: """ Initialize fitted class. """ super().__init__(d, **keywords) self.__set(d, **keywords)
[docs] def plot(self, **keywords) -> None: """ Plotting method for the fitted spectrum and breakdown components. """ import matplotlib as mpl # type: ignore import matplotlib.gridspec as gs # type: ignore import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore if keywords.get("datalabel", False): datalabel = keywords["datalabel"] else: datalabel = "obs" axis = [] if keywords.get("sizedistribution", False): fig, ax = plt.subplots() axis.append(ax) h, edges = self.getsizedistribution() h = 100.0 * h / np.sum(h) axis[0].bar( edges[:-1], h, align="edge", edgecolor="black", width=(np.roll(edges, -1) - edges)[:-1], ) axis[0].set_xlabel(r"n$_{\mathregular{carbon}}$") axis[0].set_ylabel("frequency [%]") else: if keywords.get("residual", False): fig = plt.figure() spec = gs.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1]) axis.append(plt.subplot(spec[0])) axis.append(plt.subplot(spec[1], sharex=axis[0])) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) axis[0].tick_params(axis="x", which="both", labelbottom="off") elif ( keywords.get("charge", False) or keywords.get("size", False) or keywords.get("composition", False) ): fig, ax = plt.subplots() axis.append(ax) elif not keywords.get("sizedistribution", False): fig = plt.figure() spec = gs.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[2, 3]) axis.append(plt.subplot(spec[0])) axis.append(plt.subplot(spec[1])) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) axis[0].tick_params( axis="x", which="both", bottom="off", top="off", labelbottom="off" ) axis[0].tick_params( axis="y", which="both", left="off", right="off", labelleft="off" ) axis[0].set_ylim((0, 1)) axis = list(reversed(axis)) if keywords.get("wavelength", False): x = 1e4 / self.grid axis[0].set_xlim((min(x), max(x))) xtitle = "Wavelength [$\\mu$m]" else: x = self.grid axis[0].set_xlim((max(x), min(x))) xtitle = ( self.units["abscissa"]["label"] + " [" + self.units["abscissa"]["unit"].to_string("latex_inline") + "]" ) if "sigma" in keywords: axis[0].errorbar( x, self.observation.flux.value, yerr=keywords["sigma"], fmt="o", mfc="white", color="k", ecolor="k", markersize=3, elinewidth=0.2, capsize=0.8, label=datalabel, ) else: axis[0].scatter( x, self.observation.flux.value, color="k", s=5, label=datalabel ) if "title" in keywords: axis[0].set_title(keywords["title"]) axis[0].minorticks_on() axis[0].tick_params( which="major", right="on", top="on", direction="in", length=5 ) axis[0].tick_params( which="minor", right="on", top="on", direction="in", length=3 ) if ( not keywords.get("residual", False) and not keywords.get("charge", False) and not keywords.get("size", False) and not keywords.get("composition", False) ): colors = mpl.colormaps["rainbow"](np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.uids))) for uid, col in zip(self.uids, colors): axis[0].plot(x,[uid], color=col) axis[0].plot(x, self.getfit(), color="tab:purple", label="fit", lw=1) if ( keywords.get("charge", False) or keywords.get("size", False) or keywords.get("composition", False) ): classes = self.getclasses() if isinstance(classes, dict): if keywords.get("charge", False): if not isinstance(classes["anion"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["anion"], color="tab:red", label="anion") if not isinstance(classes["neutral"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["neutral"], color="tab:green", label="neutral") if not isinstance(classes["cation"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["cation"], color="tab:blue", label="cation") axis[0].axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="gray") axis[0].legend() elif keywords.get("size", False): if not isinstance(classes["small"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["small"], color="tab:blue", label="small") if not isinstance(classes["medium"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["medium"], color="tab:green", label="medium") if not isinstance(classes["large"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["large"], color="tab:red", label="large") axis[0].axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="gray") axis[0].legend() elif keywords.get("composition", False): if not isinstance(classes["pure"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["pure"], color="tab:red", label="pure") if not isinstance(classes["nitrogen"], int): axis[0].plot(x, classes["nitrogen"], color="tab:green", label="nitrogen") axis[0].axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="gray") axis[0].legend() elif keywords.get("residual", False): y = self.getresidual() axis[1].plot(x, y) axis[1].axhline(0, linestyle="--", color="gray") axis[0].legend() else: axis[1].text( 0.05, 0.95, ("%s" + 5 * " " + "%s") % ("UID", "WEIGHT"), family="monospace", ) axis[1].xaxis.set_visible(False) axis[1].yaxis.set_visible(False) ypos = 0.95 - 0.05 for uid, w, col in zip(self.uids, self.weights.values(), colors): txt = ("%d" + (5 * " ") + "%.2e") % (uid, w) axis[1].text(0.05, ypos, txt, color=col, family="monospace") ypos -= 0.05 if ypos <= 0.05: axis[1].text(0.05, ypos, "more...", family="monospace") break axis[0].ticklabel_format(axis="y", style="sci", scilimits=(4, 4)) axis[0].set_ylabel( self.units["ordinate"]["label"] + " [" + self.units["ordinate"]["unit"].to_string("latex_inline") + "]", ) if keywords.get("residual", False): axis[1].set_xlabel(f"{xtitle}") axis[1].set_ylabel("residual") axis[1].minorticks_on() axis[1].tick_params( which="major", right="on", top="on", direction="in", length=5 ) axis[1].tick_params( which="minor", right="on", top="on", direction="in", length=3 ) else: axis[0].set_xlabel(f"{xtitle}") if keywords.get("save", False): if keywords.get("charge"): ptype = "charge" elif keywords.get("size"): ptype = "size" elif keywords.get("composition"): ptype = "composition" elif keywords.get("residual"): ptype = "residual" else: ptype = "fitted" if keywords["output"]: if os.path.isdir(keywords["output"]): fig.savefig(f"{keywords['output']}/{ptype}.{keywords['ftype']}") else: fig.savefig(f"{keywords['output']}_{ptype}.{keywords['ftype']}") else: fig.savefig(f"{ptype}.{keywords['ftype']}") else: plt.close(fig)
[docs] def set(self, d: Optional[dict] = None, **keywords) -> None: """ Calls class: :class:`amespahdbpythonsuite.spectrum.Spectrum.set` to parse keywords. """ Spectrum.set(self, d, **keywords) self.__set(d, **keywords)
def __set(self, d: Optional[dict] = None, **keywords) -> None: """ Populate data dictionary helper. """ self.observation = keywords.get("observation", None) self.weights = keywords.get("weights", dict()) self.method = keywords.get("method", "") if isinstance(d, dict): if d.get("type", "") == self.__class__.__name__: if "observation" not in keywords: self.observation = d["observation"] if "weights" not in keywords: self.weights = d["weights"] if "method" not in keywords: self.method = d["method"] self._chisquared: Optional[float] = None self._norm: Optional[float] = None self._fit: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self._classes: Optional[dict] = None self._error: Optional[dict] = None self._residual: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
[docs] def get(self) -> dict: """ Calls class: :class:`amespahdbpythonsuite.spectrum.Spectrum.get`. Assigns class variables from inherited dictionary. """ d = Spectrum.get(self) d["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ d["observation"] = self.observation d["weights"] = self.weights d["method"] = self.method return d
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Class representation. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"{self.uids=},{self.method=})" def __str__(self) -> str: """ A description of the instance. """ return f"AmesPAHdbPythonSuite Fitted instance.\n" f"{self.uids=}"
[docs] def write(self, filename: str = "") -> None: """ Write the fitted spectra to file as an IPAC-table. """ import datetime import sys from import ascii # type: ignore from astropy.table import Table # type: ignore if not filename: filename = self.__class__.__name__ + ".tbl" hdr = list() kv = { "DATE": .astimezone() .replace(microsecond=0) .isoformat(), "ORIGIN": "NASA Ames Research Center", "CREATOR": f"Python {sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}", "SOFTWARE": "AmesPAHdbPythonSuite", "AUTHOR": "Dr. C. Boersma", "TYPE": self.__class__.__name__.upper(), "SPECIES": str(len(, } for key, value in kv.items(): if not value.isnumeric(): hdr.append(f"{key:8} = '{value}'") else: hdr.append(f"{key:8} = {value}") tbl = Table( [ [uid for uid, v in for _ in v], np.array([f for _ in for f in self.grid]) * self.units["abscissa"]["unit"], np.array([t for v in for t in v]) * self.units["ordinate"]["unit"], np.array( [self.weights[uid] for uid, v in for _ in v] ), ], names=["UID", "FREQUENCY", "INTENSITY", "WEIGHT"], meta={"comments": hdr}, ) ascii.write(tbl, filename, format="ipac", overwrite=True) message(f"WRITTEN: {filename}")
[docs] def getmethod(self) -> str: """ Retrieves the method used for the fit. """ return self.method
[docs] def getchisquared(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Calculates the chi-squared of the fit. """ if self._chisquared is None: if self.observation: self._chisqured = np.sum( (self.observation.flux.value - self.getfit()) ** 2 / self.observation.uncertainty.array ) return self._chisquared
[docs] def getnorm(self) -> float: """ Retrieves the Norm of the fit. """ if self._norm is None: self._norm = np.sum((self.observation.flux.value - self.getfit()) ** 2) return self._norm
[docs] def getobservation(self) -> Spectrum1D: """ Retrieves the ordinate values of the observation. """ return self.observation
[docs] def getfit(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, Literal[0]]: """ Retrieves the sum of fit values. """ if self._fit is None: self._fit = sum( return self._fit
[docs] def getresidual(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieves the residual of the fit. """ if self._residual is None: self._residual = self.observation.flux.value - self.getfit() return self._residual
[docs] def getweights(self) -> dict: """ Retrieves the weights of the fitted PAHs. """ return self.weights
[docs] def getsizedistribution( self, nbins: int = 0, min: Optional[float] = None, max: Optional[float] = None, ) -> tuple: """ Retrieves the size distribution of the fitted PAHs. """ nc = [self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_c"] for uid in self.weights] if not min: min = builtins.min(nc) if not max: max = builtins.max(nc) if nbins == 0: nbins = int(np.ceil(2.0 * len(self.uids) ** (1.0 / 3.0))) return np.histogram(nc, bins=nbins, weights=list(self.weights.values()))
[docs] def getclasses(self, **keywords) -> Optional[dict]: """ Retrieves the spectra of the different classes of the fitted PAHs. """ if self._classes is None: if self.pahdb is None: message("VALID DATABASE NEEDED TO GET CLASSES") return None self._classes = { key: self.__classes(val) for key, val in self._subclasses(**keywords).items() } uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_n"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_o"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_mg"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_si"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_fe"] == 0 ] self._classes["pure"] = sum( {key: val for key, val in if key in uids}.values() ) return self._classes
def __classes(self, s: dict) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieves the intensities of a given subclass. """ if s["subclass"] == "n_c": if "operator_1" in s: uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if s["operator_1"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand_1"], ) and s["operator_2"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand_2"], ) ] else: uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if s["operator"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand"] ) ] else: uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if s["operator"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand"] ) ] if not uids: return np.zeros(self.grid.size) return sum({key: val for key, val in if key in uids}.values())
[docs] def getbreakdown(self, **keywords) -> Optional[dict]: """ Retrieves the breakdown of the fitted PAHs. """ if not self.pahdb: message("VALID DATABASE NEEDED TO GET CLASSES") return None # Getting fit weights fweight = np.array(list(self.weights.values())) breakdown = { "solo": np.sum([self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_solo"] for uid in self.uids]), "duo": np.sum([self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_duo"] for uid in self.uids]), "trio": np.sum([self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_trio"] for uid in self.uids]), "quartet": np.sum( [self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_quartet"] for uid in self.uids] ), "quintet": np.sum( [self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_quintet"] for uid in self.uids] ), } total = 1.0 if keywords.get("flux", False): if not self.grid: message("GRID IS NOT SET") return None classes = self.getclasses(**keywords) if keywords.get("absolute", False): total, err = -integrate.trapezoid(self.getfit(), x=self.grid) if classes: for key in classes: breakdown[key] = ( -integrate.trapezoid(classes[key], x=self.grid) / total ) return breakdown if not self.weights: message("WEIGHTS ARE NOT SET") return None if "absolute" not in keywords: total = np.sum(fweight) # Set subclasses dictionary. subclasses = self._subclasses(**keywords) for key in subclasses: breakdown[key] = self.__breakdown(subclasses[key]) / total # Obtaining pure PAH breakdown. uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_n"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_o"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_mg"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_si"] == 0 and self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_fe"] == 0 ] if len(uids) > 0: breakdown["pure"] = np.sum([self.weights[uid] for uid in uids]) / total # Getting Nc. nc = np.array([self.pahdb["species"][uid]["n_c"] for uid in self.uids]) breakdown["n_c"] = np.sum(nc * fweight) / np.sum(fweight) return breakdown
def __breakdown(self, s: dict) -> float: """ Retrieve the sum of the fitting weights for the fitted PAHs. """ if "operator_1" in s: uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if s["operator_1"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand_1"], ) and s["operator_2"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand_2"], ) ] else: uids = [ uid for uid in self.uids if s["operator"]( self.pahdb["species"][uid][s["subclass"]], s["operand"] ) ] if len(uids) > 0: return np.sum([self.weights[uid] for uid in uids]) else: return 0.0 def _subclasses(self, **keywords) -> dict: """ Create subclasses dictionary. """ subclasses = { "anion": {"subclass": "charge", "operator":, "operand": 0}, "neutral": {"subclass": "charge", "operator": operator.eq, "operand": 0}, "cation": {"subclass": "charge", "operator":, "operand": 0}, "small": { "subclass": "n_c", "operator": operator.le, "operand": keywords.get("small", 50), }, "medium": { "subclass": "n_c", "operator_1":, "operator_2": operator.le, "operand_1": keywords.get("medium_low", 50), "operand_2": keywords.get("medium_high", 70), }, "large": { "subclass": "n_c", "operator":, "operand": keywords.get("large", 70), }, "nitrogen": {"subclass": "n_n", "operator":, "operand": 0}, } return subclasses
[docs] def geterror(self) -> Optional[dict]: """ Calculates the PAHdb fitting uncertainty as the ratio of the residual over the total spectrum area. """ if self._error is None: range = { "err": [min(self.grid), max(self.grid)], "e127": [754.0, 855.0], "e112": [855.0, 1000.0], "e77": [1000.0, 1495.0], "e62": [1495.0, 1712.0], "e33": [2900.0, 3125.0], } self._error = {k: 0.0 for k in range.keys()} if self.observation: srt = np.argsort(self.grid) x = self.grid[srt] y = self.observation.flux.value[srt] r = np.abs(self.getresidual())[srt] for key, rng in range.items(): sel = np.where((x >= rng[0]) & (x <= rng[1]))[0] if len(sel) == 0: continue self._error[key] = np.trapz(r[sel], x=x[sel]) / np.trapz( y[sel], x=x[sel] ) return self._error
[docs] def sort(self, flux: bool = False) -> dict: """ Sort UIDs and weights by their contribution to the fit """ w = ( self.weights if not flux else { uid: -integrate.trapezoid(flux, x=self.grid) for uid, flux in } ) self.weights = dict( sorted(w.items(), key=lambda item: (item[1], item[0]), reverse=True) ) self.uids = list(self.weights.keys()) return self.weights