Source code for amespahdbpythonsuite.geometry

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import copy
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree  # type: ignore
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean as edist  # type: ignore
from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import vtkAssembly  # type: ignore

from amespahdbpythonsuite.amespahdb import AmesPAHdb
from import Data

message = AmesPAHdb.message

[docs] class Geometry(Data): """ AmesPAHdbPythonSuite geometry class """ def __init__(self, d: Optional[dict] = None, **keywords) -> None: super().__init__(d, **keywords) self._atomic_mass = np.array( [ 0.0, 1.007940, 4.002602, 6.941000, 9.012182, 10.811000, 12.011000, 14.006740, 15.999400, 18.998404, 20.179701, 22.989767, 24.305000, 26.981539, 28.085501, 30.973763, 32.066002, 35.452702, 39.948002, 39.098301, 40.077999, 44.955910, 47.880001, 50.941502, 51.996101, 54.938049, 55.847000, 58.933201, 58.693401, 63.546001, 65.389999, 69.723000, 72.610001, 74.921593, 78.959999, 79.903999, 83.800003, 85.467796, 87.620003, 88.905853, 91.223999, 92.906380, 95.940002, 98.000000, 101.070000, 102.905502, 106.419998, 107.868202, 112.411003, 114.820000, 118.709999, 121.757004, 127.599998, 126.904472, 131.289993, 132.905426, 137.326996, 138.905502, 140.115005, 140.907654, 144.240005, 145.000000, 150.360001, 151.964996, 157.250000, 158.925339, 162.500000, 164.930313, 167.259995, 168.934204, 173.039993, 174.966995, 178.490005, 180.947906, 183.850006, 186.207001, 190.199997, 192.220001, 195.080002, 196.966537, 200.589996, 204.383301, 207.199997, 208.980377, 209.000000, 210.000000, 222.000000, 223.000000, 226.024994, 227.028000, 232.038101, 231.035904, 238.028900, 237.048004, 244.000000, 243.000000, 247.000000, 247.000000, 251.000000, 252.000000, 257.000000, 258.000000, 259.000000, 262.000000, 261.000000, 262.000000, 263.000000, 262.000000, 265.000000, 266.000000, ] ) self.set(d, **keywords)
[docs] def set(self, d: Optional[dict] = None, **keywords) -> None: """ Calls class: :class:`` to parse keywords. """ Data.set(self, d, **keywords)
[docs] def get(self) -> dict: """ Assigns class variables from inherited dictionary. """ d = Data.get(self) d["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ return d
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Class representation. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"{self.uids=})" def __str__(self) -> str: """ A description of the instance. """ return f"AmesPAHdbPythonSuite Geometry instance.\n" f"{self.uids=}"
[docs] def plot(self, uid: int, **keywords) -> None: """ Plot the structure """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore # atom_names = ["H", "C", "N", "O", "Mg", "Si", "Fe"] atom_numbers = [1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 26] atom_colors = ["grey", "black", "blue", "red", "green", "pink", "orange"] atom_symsize = np.array([1, 2, 3, 3, 3.5, 4, 4]) * keywords.get("scale", 100.0) g =[uid] ng = len(g) numn = np.zeros(ng, dtype=int) nlist = np.full((ng, 6), -1, dtype=int) px = np.array([g["x"] for g in[uid]]) py = np.array([g["y"] for g in[uid]]) pz = np.array([g["z"] for g in[uid]]) m = np.max([np.max(px), np.max(py)]) * 1.1 for x, y, z, i in zip(px, py, pz, range(ng)): dd = np.sqrt((px - x) ** 2 + (py - y) ** 2 + (pz - z) ** 2) sel = np.where((dd < 1.6)) nsel = len(sel[0]) numn[i] = nsel nlist[i, 0:nsel] = sel[0] _, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlim(-m, m) ax.set_ylim(-m, m) for x, y, i in zip(px, py, range(ng)): for j in range(numn[i]): ax.plot([x, px[nlist[i, j]]], [y, py[nlist[i, j]]], c="black", lw=5) numn[nlist[i, j]] -= 1 if numn[nlist[i, j]] > 0: nlist[nlist[i, j], np.where(nlist[nlist[i, j], :] == i)[0]] = -1 nlist[nlist[i, j], :] = nlist[ nlist[i, j], np.argsort(nlist[nlist[i, j], :])[::-1] ] pt = np.array([g["type"] for g in[uid]]) for i in range(len(atom_numbers)): ii = np.where(pt == atom_numbers[i])[0] if len(ii) > 0: ax.scatter( px[ii], py[ii], marker="o", s=atom_symsize[i], zorder=2, c=atom_colors[i], ) ratio = 1.0 x_left, x_right = ax.get_xlim() y_low, y_high = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_aspect(abs((x_right - x_left) / (y_low - y_high)) * ratio) plt.axis("off") basename = keywords.get("save") if basename: if not isinstance(basename, str): basename = "laboratory" plt.savefig(f"{basename}_{uid}.pdf") elif keywords.get("show", False):
[docs] def structure(self, uid: int, **keywords) -> Optional[vtkAssembly]: """ Render the 3D structure. """ import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle # type: ignore import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2 # type: ignore # noqa: F401 from vtk import vtkTransform # type: ignore from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersSources import ( # type: ignore vtkCylinderSource, vtkSphereSource) from vtkmodules.vtkIOImage import vtkPNGWriter # type: ignore from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (vtkActor, # type: ignore vtkPolyDataMapper, vtkRenderer, vtkRenderWindow, vtkRenderWindowInteractor, vtkWindowToImageFilter) atom_colors = { 1: [0.78, 0.78, 0.78], 6: [0.11, 0.11, 0.11], 7: [0.19, 0.31, 0.97], 8: [1.0, 0.05, 0.05], 12: [0.54, 1.0, 0.0], 14: [0.94, 0.78, 0.63], 26: [0.89, 0.40, 0.20], } atom_radii = {1: 0.25, 6: 0.5, 7: 0.75, 8: 0.75, 12: 0.875, 14: 1, 26: 1} scale = keywords.get("scale", 1.0) for number in atom_radii: atom_radii[number] *= scale g =[uid] ng = len(g) numn = np.zeros(ng, dtype=int) nlist = np.full((ng, 6), -1, dtype=int) px = np.array([g["x"] for g in[uid]]) py = np.array([g["y"] for g in[uid]]) pz = np.array([g["z"] for g in[uid]]) pt = np.array([g["type"] for g in[uid]]) for x, y, z, i in zip(px, py, pz, range(ng)): dd = np.sqrt((px - x) ** 2 + (py - y) ** 2 + (pz - z) ** 2) sel = np.where((dd < 1.6)) nsel = len(sel[0]) numn[i] = nsel if nsel == 0: continue if nsel > 6: ii = np.argsort(dd[sel]) sel = tuple([sel[0][ii[0:5]]]) nsel = 6 nlist[i, 0:nsel] = sel[0] assembly = vtkAssembly() for x, y, z, t, i in zip(px, py, pz, pt, range(ng)): for j in range(numn[i]): numn[nlist[i, j]] -= 1 if numn[nlist[i, j]] > 0: nlist[nlist[i, j], np.where(nlist[nlist[i, j], :] == i)[0]] = -1 nlist[nlist[i, j], :] = nlist[ nlist[i, j], np.argsort(nlist[nlist[i, j], :])[::-1] ] if nlist[i, j] < 0: continue vec = np.array( (x - px[nlist[i, j]], y - py[nlist[i, j]], z - pz[nlist[i, j]]) ) norm = np.linalg.norm(vec) cylinder = vtkCylinderSource() cylinder.SetResolution(32) cylinder.SetRadius(0.1) cylinder.SetHeight(norm) # type: ignore cylinderMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper() cylinderMapper.SetInputConnection(cylinder.GetOutputPort()) cylinderActor = vtkActor() cylinderActor.SetMapper(cylinderMapper) if t == 1 or pt[nlist[i, j]] == 1: cylinderActor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.78, 0.78, 0.78) else: cylinderActor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.11, 0.11, 0.11) cylinderTransform = vtkTransform() cylinderTransform.Identity() cylinderTransform.PostMultiply() cylinderTransform.Translate(0.0, norm / 2.0, 0.0) cylinderTransform.RotateX(90.0) angle = 0.0 if norm != 0.0: angle = 180.0 * np.arccos(-vec[2] / norm) / np.pi if angle == 180.0: cylinderTransform.Translate(0.0, 0.0, -norm) cylinderTransform.RotateWXYZ(angle, vec[1], -vec[0], 0.0) cylinderTransform.Translate(x, y, z) cylinderActor.SetUserTransform(cylinderTransform) assembly.AddPart(cylinderActor) if not keywords.get("frame", False): for x, y, z, t in zip(px, py, pz, pt): sphere = vtkSphereSource() sphere.SetThetaResolution(32) sphere.SetPhiResolution(32) sphere.SetCenter(x, y, z) sphere.SetRadius(atom_radii[t]) sphereMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper() sphereMapper.SetInputConnection(sphere.GetOutputPort()) sphereActor = vtkActor() sphereActor.SetMapper(sphereMapper) sphereActor.GetProperty().SetColor(atom_colors[t]) sphereActor.GetProperty().SetSpecular(0.25) assembly.AddPart(sphereActor) renderer = vtkRenderer() renderer.SetBackground(0.24, 0.24, 0.24) renderer.AddActor(assembly) renderWindow = vtkRenderWindow() if not keywords.get("show", False): renderWindow.SetOffScreenRendering(True) if keywords.get("transparent", False): renderWindow.AlphaBitPlanesOn() else: renderWindow.SetWindowName(self.__class__.__name__) interactor = vtkRenderWindowInteractor() interactor.SetRenderWindow(renderWindow) renderWindow.AddRenderer(renderer) size = keywords.get("size", [1024, 1024]) renderWindow.SetSize(size[0], size[1]) renderWindow.Render() if renderWindow.GetAlphaBitPlanes() == 0 and keywords.get("transparent", False): message("TRANSPARENCY NOT SUPPORTED") basename = keywords.get("save") if basename: if not isinstance(basename, str): basename = "structure" windowToImageFilter = vtkWindowToImageFilter() windowToImageFilter.SetInput(renderWindow) if keywords.get("transparent", False): windowToImageFilter.SetInputBufferTypeToRGBA() windowToImageFilter.SetScale(1) windowToImageFilter.Update() writer = vtkPNGWriter() writer.SetInputConnection(windowToImageFilter.GetOutputPort()) writer.SetFileName(f"{basename}_{uid}.png") writer.Write() if keywords.get("show", False): interactor.Initialize() interactor.Start() renderWindow.Finalize() interactor.TerminateApp() del interactor del renderWindow if keywords.get("actor", False): return assembly return None
[docs] def inertia(self) -> dict: """ Compute the moment of inertia. """ inertia = dict() for uid, geometry in m = self._atomic_mass[np.array([g["type"] for g in geometry], dtype=int)] x = np.array([g["x"] for g in geometry]) y = np.array([g["y"] for g in geometry]) z = np.array([g["z"] for g in geometry]) tensor11 = np.sum(m * (y**2 + z**2)) tensor22 = np.sum(m * (x**2 + z**2)) tensor33 = np.sum(m * (x**2 + y**2)) tensor12 = -np.sum(m * x * y) tensor13 = -np.sum(m * x * z) tensor23 = -np.sum(m * y * z) inertia[uid] = np.array( [ [tensor11, tensor12, tensor13], [tensor12, tensor22, tensor23], [tensor13, tensor23, tensor33], ], ) return inertia
[docs] def diagonalize(self, full: bool = False, equal: bool = False) -> None: """ Diagonalize the moment of inertia and align structure with the x-y plane """ if not equal: masses = copy.copy(self._atomic_mass) masses[[12, 26]] = 0.0 else: masses = np.ones(len(self._atomic_mass)) for geometry in coordinates = np.array( [ [g["x"] for g in geometry], [g["y"] for g in geometry], [g["z"] for g in geometry], ] ) m = np.resize( masses[np.array([g["type"] for g in geometry], dtype=int)], coordinates.shape, ) coordinates -= np.resize( np.sum(coordinates * m, 1) / np.sum(m, 1), tuple(reversed(coordinates.shape)), ).T tensor = np.diag( [ np.sum(m[0, :] * coordinates[0, :] ** 2), np.sum(m[1, :] * coordinates[1, :] ** 2), np.sum(m[2, :] * coordinates[2, :] ** 2), ] ) if full: tensor -= np.diag( [ np.sum(m[:, 0] * coordinates[:, 0] * coordinates[:, 1]), np.sum(m[:, 2] * coordinates[:, 1] * coordinates[:, 2]), 1.0, ] ) tensor += np.diag(np.diag(tensor, 1), -1) tensor[0, 2] = -np.sum(m[:, 1] * coordinates[:, 0] * coordinates[:, 2]) tensor[2, 0] = [0, 2] v, w = np.linalg.eig(tensor) for i in range(len(geometry)): coordinates[:, i] = np.matmul(w, coordinates[:, i]) coordinates = coordinates[np.argsort(v)[::-1], :] for g, i in zip(geometry, range(len(geometry))): g["x"] = coordinates[0, i] g["y"] = coordinates[1, i] g["z"] = coordinates[2, i]
[docs] def mass(self) -> dict: """ Computes molecular mass. """ mass = dict() for uid, geometry in mass[uid] = np.sum( self._atomic_mass[np.array([g["type"] for g in geometry], dtype=int)] ) return mass
[docs] def rings(self) -> dict: """ Computes the number of rings per type. """ rings = dict() for uid, geometry in num = {"three": 0, "four": 0, "five": 0, "six": 0, "seven": 0, "eight": 0} x = np.array([g["x"] for g in geometry]) y = np.array([g["y"] for g in geometry]) z = np.array([g["z"] for g in geometry]) numn = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=int) nlist = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 6), dtype=int) for i in range(x.shape[0]): dd = np.sqrt((x - x[i]) ** 2 + (y - y[i]) ** 2 + (z - z[i]) ** 2) bounds = np.where((dd > 0.0) & (dd < 1.7))[0] numn[i] = len(bounds) nlist[i, 0:numn[i]] = bounds iring = np.zeros(9, dtype=int) for i in range(x.shape[0]): iring[0] = i for j in range(numn[i]): i2 = nlist[i, j] if i2 < i: continue iring[1] = i2 for k in range(numn[i2]): i3 = nlist[i2, k] if i3 < i: continue iring[2] = i3 if i3 != i: for r in range(numn[i3]): i4 = nlist[i3, r] if i4 < i: continue iring[3] = i4 if i4 == i2: continue if i4 != i or iring[1] < iring[2]: for m in range(numn[i4]): i5 = nlist[i4, m] if i5 < i: continue iring[4] = i5 if i5 == i2 or i5 == i3: continue if i5 != i or iring[1] < iring[3]: for n in range(numn[i5]): i6 = nlist[i5, n] if i6 < i: continue iring[5] = i6 if i6 == i2 or i6 == i3 or i6 == i4: continue if i6 != i or iring[1] < iring[4]: for o in range(numn[i6]): i7 = nlist[i6, o] if i7 < i: continue iring[6] = i7 if ( i7 == i2 or i7 == i3 or i7 == i4 or i7 == i5 ): continue if ( i7 != i or iring[1] < iring[5] ): for p in range(numn[i7]): i8 = nlist[i7, p] if i8 < i: continue iring[7] = i8 if ( i8 == i2 or i8 == i3 or i8 == i4 or i8 == i5 or i8 == i6 ): continue if ( i8 != i or iring[1] < iring[6] ): for q in range( numn[i8] ): i9 = nlist[ i8, q ] if i9 < i: continue iring[8] = i9 if ( i9 == i2 or i9 == i3 or i9 == i4 or i9 == i5 or i9 == i6 or i9 == i7 ): continue if ( i9 != i or iring[1] < iring[7] ): continue else: num[ "eight" ] += 1 else: num["seven"] += 1 else: num["six"] += 1 else: num["five"] += 1 else: num["four"] += 1 else: num["three"] += 1 rings[uid] = num return rings
[docs] def area(self) -> dict: """ Computes the area. """ per_ring = { "three": 0.848, "four": 1.96, "five": 3.37, "six": 5.09, "seven": 7.12, "eight": 9.46, } area = dict() rings = self.rings() for uid, nr in rings.items(): a = 0.0 for r, n in nr.items(): a += per_ring[r] * n area[uid] = a return area
[docs] def bec(self) -> dict: """Convert PAH carbon and hydrogen positions to a boundary-edge code. Only makes sense to use this for regular PAHs. Return of a tuple with a list of boundary carbons traversed in order and the boundary-edge code. By Dr. Joseph E. Roser <>""" becodes = dict() for uid, geometry in becode = self.__becode( [(g["x"], g["y"], g["z"]) for g in geometry if g["type"] == 6], [(g["x"], g["y"], g["z"]) for g in geometry if g["type"] == 1], ) becodes[uid] = becode[1] return becodes
def __becode( self, allcarbons: list[tuple[float, float, float]], allhydrogens: list[tuple[float, float, float]], ) -> tuple: """The star of the show here is the function PAHbecode, which answers the challenge of converting a list of PAH carbon atom and hydrogen atom positions into a boundary-edge code of a PAH molecule. Due to the possibilities of ring distortion, non-planarity, ambiguity of orientation in space, and topological challenges of bizarrely shaped PAH molecules, we're going to do the best we can here. Please check the results. The function indicator simply calculates the sign of a scalar triple product of three three-vectors. The function pcone_to_be converts a PC-1 code to a boundary-edge code. These are relatively simple helper functions, but useable if you need them. Author: Dr. Joseph E. Roser <> Given a list of 3D carbon atom positions and a list of 3D hydrogen atom positions, this function will do its best to return (a) the boundary carbon atoms traversed in order and (b) the boundary-edge code string """ # Step 1: Find any boundary edge. carbontree = KDTree(allcarbons) # Compute the center of mass of the carbon atom distribution carbon_center = [ sum([Catom[i] for Catom in allcarbons]) / len(allcarbons) for i in range(0, 3) ] # Rank distances of all carbon atoms from the center point _, indices = carbontree.query(x=carbon_center, k=len(allcarbons)) # Initialize boundary_carbons list boundary_carbons = [allcarbons[indices[-1]]] _, nindex = carbontree.query(x=boundary_carbons[0], k=2) boundary_carbons.append(allcarbons[nindex[-1]]) # Step 2: We need to specify a vector that is roughly normal # to the surface of the PAH molecule. v0 = np.subtract(boundary_carbons[0], carbon_center) v1 = np.subtract(boundary_carbons[1], carbon_center) normal = np.cross(v1, v0) # Step 3: A length scale for bounding carbon-carbon nearest # neighbor searches dscale = 1.366025404 * edist(boundary_carbons[0], boundary_carbons[1]) # Step 4: Which carbon atom neighbor of a given hydrogen atom # is really the one that it is bound to? hydrogenated_carbons = [ allcarbons[index] for index in map(lambda y: carbontree.query(x=y)[1], allhydrogens) ] # Step 5: Traverse the boundary step by step and add in the # boundary carbon atoms one by one. for _ in range(0, 2 * len(allhydrogens) - 8): # Step 6: Look for carbon atoms one "hex vertex" away from # the current end point of the boundary traversal. _, indexlist = carbontree.query( x=boundary_carbons[-1], k=4, distance_upper_bound=dscale ) # Reject duplicate boundary points and invalid indicies in # indexlist trial_carbons = list( filter( lambda x: x not in boundary_carbons, [allcarbons[item] for item in indexlist if item < len(allcarbons)], ) ) # Step 7: Update the boundary carbon atoms list. if len(trial_carbons) == 0: message("BEC ERROR: SEARCH FOUND TOO FEW NEAREST-NEIGHBOR POINTS") break elif len(trial_carbons) == 1: boundary_carbons.extend(trial_carbons) elif len(trial_carbons) == 2: # Compute an edge vector for the most recently added boundary edge edgevector = np.subtract(boundary_carbons[-1], boundary_carbons[-2]) # If the boundary end point is hydrogenated, we move # "clockwise", otherwise "counter-clockwise" for Catom in trial_carbons: trialvector = np.subtract(Catom, boundary_carbons[-1]) ivalue = self.__indicator(trialvector, edgevector, normal) if not np.logical_xor( ivalue == 1.0, boundary_carbons[-1] in hydrogenated_carbons ): boundary_carbons.append(Catom) break else: message("BEC ERROR: SEARCH FOUND TOO MANY NEAREST-NEIGHBOR POINTS") break # Step 8: We can then compute the boundary-edge code if len(allcarbons) == 6: message("BEC NOTICE: INPUT SUGGEST THE TRIVIAL PAH BENZENE WITH BEC '6'") becode = "6" else: # Compute a PC-1 code from boundary_carbons pcone_code = [ "0" if Catom in hydrogenated_carbons else "1" for Catom in boundary_carbons ] # Compute the boundary-edge code and its reversed # equivalent becode = self.__pcone_to_be(pcone_code) pcone_code.reverse() reverse_becode = self.__pcone_to_be(pcone_code) # Convert the boundary-edge code to its lexicographically # maximum equalivalent. if len(becode) > 2: forward_best = max( [becode[i:] + becode[:i] for i in range(0, len(becode))] ) reverse_best = max( [ reverse_becode[i:] + reverse_becode[:i] for i in range(0, len(becode)) ] ) becode = max(forward_best, reverse_best) # Step 9: Return a tuple containing the boundary-edge list # (with an extra point for boundary closure) and the computed # boundary edge code boundary_carbons.append(boundary_carbons[0]) return (boundary_carbons, becode) def __indicator( self, v1: np.ndarray, v2: np.ndarray, normal: np.ndarray, ) -> float: """Returns the sign of normal dot (v1 cross v2) assuming that these are 3-element sequences of some kind. By Dr. Joseph E. Roser < """ value = 0.0 value += normal[0] * (v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]) value += normal[1] * (v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2]) value += normal[2] * (v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0]) return np.sign(value) def __pcone_to_be(self, pcone_code: list[str]) -> str: """Converts the PC-1 code of a PAH to its boundary-edge code. By Dr. Joseph E. Roser < """ becode = "" csum = 0 try: x = pcone_code.index("1") except ValueError: return "" for item in pcone_code[x + 1:] + pcone_code[: x + 1]: if item == "0": csum += 1 else: becode += str(csum + 1) csum = 0 return becode