Source code for amespahdbpythonsuite.observation

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u  # type: ignore
from import ascii, fits  # type: ignore
from import VerifyWarning  # type: ignore
from import IORegistryError  # type: ignore
from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty  # type: ignore
from specutils import SpectralRegion, Spectrum1D, manipulation  # type: ignore

from amespahdbpythonsuite.amespahdb import AmesPAHdb

message = AmesPAHdb.message

[docs] class Observation: """ AmesPAHdbPythonSuite observation class. Contains methods to work with astronomical spectra. """ def __init__(self, d: Optional[None] = None, **keywords) -> None: self.set(d, **keywords)
[docs] def set(self, d, **keywords) -> None: """ Populate properties. """ if isinstance(d, (Path, str)): return self.filepath = keywords.get("filepath", "") self.spectrum = keywords.get("spectrum", Spectrum1D) if isinstance(d, dict): if d.get("type", "") == self.__class__.__name__: if "filepath" not in keywords: self.filepath = d["filepath"] if "spectrum" not in keywords: self.spectrum = d["spectrum"]
[docs] def get(self) -> dict: """ Assigns class variables to dictionary. """ d = dict() d["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ d["filepath"] = self.filepath d["spectrum"] = self.spectrum return d
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Class representation. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"{self.filepath=})" def __str__(self) -> str: """ A description of the instance. """ return f"AmesPAHdbPythonSuite Observation instance.\n" f"{self.filepath=}"
[docs] def write(self, filename: str = "") -> None: """ Write the spectrum to file as an IPAC-table. """ import datetime import sys from astropy.table import Table # type: ignore if filename == "": filename = self.__class__.__name__ + ".tbl" hdr = list() kv = { "DATE": .astimezone() .replace(microsecond=0) .isoformat(), "ORIGIN": "NASA Ames Research Center", "CREATOR": f"Python {sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}", "SOFTWARE": "AmesPAHdbPythonSuite", "AUTHOR": "Dr. C. Boersma", "TYPE": self.__class__.__name__.upper(), } for key, value in kv.items(): if not value.isnumeric(): hdr.append(f"{key:8} = '{value}'") else: hdr.append(f"{key:8} = {value}") tbl = Table( [ self.spectrum.spectral_axis.quantity, self.spectrum.flux, ], names=["ABSCISSA", "ORDINATE"], meta={"comments": hdr}, ) if self.spectrum.uncertainty: tbl.add_column(self.spectrum.uncertainty.quantity, name="UNCERTAINTY") ascii.write(tbl, filename, format="ipac", overwrite=True) message(f"WRITTEN: {filename}")
[docs] def plot(self, **keywords) -> None: """ Plot the spectrum. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore if self.spectrum.uncertainty: plt.errorbar( self.spectrum.spectral_axis.value, self.spectrum.flux.value, self.spectrum.uncertainty.array, capsize=2, ) else: plt.plot(self.spectrum.spectral_axis, self.spectrum.flux) plt.xlabel(self.spectrum.spectral_axis.unit.to_string("latex_inline")) plt.ylabel(self.spectrum.flux.unit.to_string("latex_inline")) basename = keywords.get("save") if basename: if not isinstance(basename, str): basename = "laboratory" plt.savefig(f"{basename}.pdf") elif keywords.get("show", False):
[docs] def read(self, filename: Union[Path, str]) -> None: """ Read a spectrum. Parameters: filename: str Name of file to read. """ self.filepath = filename try: # Supress warning when Spectrum1D cannot load the file. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=VerifyWarning) self.spectrum = if "header" in self.spectrum.meta: self.header = self.spectrum.meta["header"] else: self.header = fits.header.Header() return None except FileNotFoundError as e: raise (e) except (OSError, IORegistryError): # Because Spectrum1D raises a generic OSError when the # file cannot be read, we have to catch OSError here and pass # so that we can try and read it directly as FITS or ASCII. pass try: with as hdu: for h in hdu: hdu_keys = list(h.header.keys()) # Use the WCS definitions for coordinate three # lookup table. if "PS3_0" in hdu_keys and "PS3_1" in hdu_keys: self.header = h.header # Create WCS instance. # self.wcs = wcs.WCS(hdu[0].header, naxis=2) h0 = self.header["PS3_0"] h1 = self.header["PS3_1"] # Create Spectrum1D instance. flux = * u.Unit(h.header["BUNIT"]) wave = hdu[h0].data[h1] * u.Unit(hdu[h0].columns[h1].unit) self.spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux, spectral_axis=wave) return None # Use the WCS definitions for coordinate three # linear. if "CDELT3" in hdu_keys: self.header = h.header # Create WCS instance # self.wcs = wcs.WCS(hdu[0].header, naxis=2) # Create Spectrum1D instance # u.Unit(self.header['BUNIT']) flux = * u.Unit("Jy") wave = ( h.header["CRVAL3"] + h.header["CDELT3"] * np.arange(0, h.header["NAXIS3"]) ) * u.Unit(h.header["CUNIT3"]) self.spectrum = Spectrum1D(flux, spectral_axis=wave) return None except OSError: # Because raises a generic OSError # when the file header is missing the END card (which # ASCII files do), we have to catch OSError here and pass # so that we can try and read it as ASCII. pass try: data = for name in data.colnames: data.rename_column(name, name.upper()) unc = None if "FLUX_UNCERTAINTY" in data.colnames: unc = StdDevUncertainty(data["FLUX_UNCERTAINTY"].quantity) # Create Spectrum1D instance. self.spectrum = Spectrum1D( flux=data["FLUX"].quantity, spectral_axis=data["WAVELENGTH"].quantity, uncertainty=unc, ) str = "" for card in data.meta["keywords"].keys(): value = data.meta["keywords"][card]["value"] str += "%-8s=%71s" % (card, value) self.header = fits.header.Header.fromstring(str) return None except Exception: pass # Like we, simply raise a generic OSError when # we fail to read the file. raise OSError(f"{self.filepath}: Format not recognized")
[docs] def getgrid(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Retreive the spectral axis. """ return self.spectrum.spectral_axis.value
[docs] def rebin( self, x: Union[np.ndarray, float], uniform=False, resolution=False ) -> None: """ Resample the spectral data. """ g: Union[np.ndarray, list, float] = x if uniform or resolution: min = self.spectrum.spectral_axis.value.min() max = self.spectrum.spectral_axis.value.max() if uniform: message(f"REBINNING TO UNIFORM GRID: DELTA={x}") g = np.arange(min, max, x) if g[-1] != max: g = np.append(g, max) elif resolution: message(f"REBINNING TO RESOLUTION: R={x}") g = [min] while g[-1] < max: g.append(g[-1] + g[-1] / x) g[-1] = max g = np.array(g) else: message("REBINNING TO SET GRID") resampler = manipulation.FluxConservingResampler( extrapolation_treatment="nan_fill" ) self.spectrum = resampler(self.spectrum, g * self.spectrum.spectral_axis.unit)
[docs] def setgridrange(self, min: float, max: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """ Truncate the data to the given range. """ if not max: max = self.spectrum._spectral_axis.value.max() u = self.spectrum._spectral_axis.unit self.spectrum = manipulation.extract_region( self.spectrum, SpectralRegion(min * u, max * u) )
[docs] def abscissaunitsto(self, unit: u.Unit) -> None: """ Convert abscissa units. """ self.spectrum = Spectrum1D( flux=self.spectrum.flux,, uncertainty=self.spectrum.uncertainty, )