Working with observational data

Astronomical observations can be handled by the ‘observation’-instance, which is able to read text, ISO-SWS, and Spitzer-IRS-files. In the IDL case, a convenience routine is available to manage units.

observation = OBJ_NEW('AmesPAHdbIDLSuite_Observation', $
                     'myObservationFile', $

NB Text-files can have up to five columns, organized as follows:

Column 1: abscissa

Column 2: ordinate

Column 3: continuum

Column 4: uncertainty in ordinate

Column 5: uncertainty in abscissa

In addition, an ‘observation’-intance can be created using keyword-initializers.

observation = OBJ_NEW('AmesPAHdbIDLSuite_Observation', X=frequency, $
                                                       Y=intensity, $
                                                       ErrY=ystdev, $

The ‘observation’-instance exposes the observation and provides the ‘Plot’, and ‘Write’-methods for output. The ‘Plot’- method will display the observation and accepts the ‘Oplot’, and ‘Color’-keywords to control overplotting and color, respectively. Through IDL’s keyword inheritance mechanism additional keywords accepted by IDL’s ‘PLOT’-procedure can be passed.


The ‘Write’-method will write the observation to an IPAC table (.tbl) file. Optionally, a filename can be provided.


The ‘observation’-instance’s ‘Rebin’, ‘AbscissaUnitsTo’, and ‘SetGridRange’-methods can rebin the observation onto a specified grid or, with the ‘Uniform’-Keyword set, onto a uniform created grid with specified samplingconvert the units associated with the abscissaand change the grid range, respectively.



