Working with transition data

The ‘transitions’-instance exposes the fundamental vibrational transitions.

uids = pahdb->Search("c<=20 neutral n=2 neutral")

transitions = pahdb->getTransitionsByUID(uids)

The ‘transitions’-instance’s ‘Print’-method will print out the associated fundamental vibrational transitions for each PAH species.


Optionally, the ‘Str’-keyword can be given to the ‘Print’-method, which will return the associated fundamental vibrational transitions for each PAH species as a single, concatenated string.


The ‘transitions’-instance’s ‘Plot’-method will display the fundamental vibrational transitions in a ‘stick’-plot. The transitions of each PAH species will be presented in a different color.


Optionally, the ‘Wavelength’, ‘Stick’, ‘Oplot’, ‘Legend’, and ‘Color’-keywords can be given to the ‘Plot’-method to control the abscissa, stick representation, overplotting, legend and color, respectively. In the IDL case additional keywords accepted by IDL’s ‘PLOT’-procedure can be passed via the keyword inheritance mechanism.


The ‘transitions’-instance’s ‘Write’-method will write the fundamental vibrational transitions to file. The transitions of each PAH species will be written to a IPAC table (.tbl). Optionally, a filename can be provided.
